Sushi is a delicious, healthy option for a quick meal – but how often can you eat it without getting sick of it? We asked a registered dietitian for her opinion.
Whether you’re just getting started with sushi or are a seasoned pro, there are various factors to consider when deciding how often to indulge in your favorite fish dish. The type of fish is necessary because some species can be higher in toxins than others if not caught or prepared correctly. Fish that’s been frozen for an extended period also needs special consideration. In addition, the preparation can impact its flavor and health benefits. Finally, everyone has their tastes, so what you enjoy versus someone else might lead to different frequencies of consumption. The type of fish used, how it’s prepared, and your preferences should all be considered when determining how often can i eat sushi for maximum enjoyment with minimal risks.
Pregnant women, those with weakened immune systems, and others at risk for food poisoning should be prudent when eating sushi. While there are many benefits to this delightful dish, it does also pose some potential risks. The most common health concern associated with raw sushi is bacterial contamination: if the fish is not adequately refrigerated before consumption, a person could become ill from consuming it. It’s also important to note that how often you can eat sushi depends mainly on how confident you are in the cleanliness of the preparation kitchen or restaurant where it was prepared. Generally speaking, having sushi once every two to three weeks while being mindful of portion size is considered safe when done correctly in a clean venue. But avoiding it altogether may be the best way to play it safe if you are part of a group who are more likely to contract the food-borne illness. If you are concerned about how healthy any particular dish is for your health and well-being, talk to your doctor before deciding how often you can eat sushi.